Our Story
Million Meals Mission raises awareness about food insecurity and provides meals to food insecure communities around the world
Million Meals Mission was founded in 2016 and was inspired by "The Shed That Fed A Million Children: The Extraordinary Story of Mary's Meals" and Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow.
We began our work in India supporting local food distribution centres. Saadi Rasoi, our first partner, provides meals for ₹10 (US $0.14) to daily wage workers and children who work and live in the area, and provides free meals to families, volunteers, and the staff at Ludhiana Civil Hospital, located nearby.
Since 2016, we have provided meals and ingredients to children with disabilities who attend LaValla School in Ta Khmau Village, Cambodia, supported meal relief efforts in Yemen, Madagascar and Malawi, provided meals to migrant workers affected by COVID-19 in Mumbai, India, and raised funds to provide emergency food relief to those affected by the Beirut explosion in Lebanon.

In 2020, we raised US $13,000 and provided 75,000 meals globally.
In 2020, we also provided our 200,000th meal, bringing us closer to serving our goal of 1,000,000 meals, but a million is just a great place to start!
Help us achieve a world without global, systemic food insecurity. Click here to support us.